Donors to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee are underwriting a thin blue line between Israel and Cop City.
The United Auto Workers on Tuesday condemned the manufacturing company John Deere over recent mass layoffs at factories in ...
The Trump campaign has tried to distance itself from Project 2025, despite deep connections to the far right manifesto.
As the U.S. prepares for the November elections, new restrictive voting laws threaten to further curb full participation in ...
Shapiro’s past support for school vouchers championed by billionaires and the GOP disqualifies him, activists say.
I can also make a case for not doing it,” Trump said when asked if he’s still planning to debate Harris in September.
This death toll represents the largest number of UN workers killed in a single conflict zone in the history of the UN.
The chance that generative AI will have an impact on the election grows as Election Day nears, says one expert.
Despite the significant role that methane plays in accelerating the climate emergency, only around 2% of climate finance is ...
Israeli militants waged a violent riot on Monday, breaking into multiple facilities to support nine Israeli soldiers who were ...
Israel launched a, Lebanon’s capital city, on Tuesday, in an escalation of Israel’s months of attacks on Hezbollah forces and ...
Vietnam should have taught Israel and the U.S. a lesson. Just because you exact the biggest death toll doesn’t mean you win.