Cheryl W will be holding a kids craft workshop at the Village Hall. Cost is £8 per child, payable on the day and includes ...
Update for Bradbourne & Parwich Heating Oil Club Oil prices have remained fairly static over the last few weeks with a minor ...
Hello, I am very excited to be moving to the village next week. I am hoping someone might be able to help me. I have 2 mini Shetland ponies who may need a home; is there anyone who might be able ...
Please can we remind people to look after and respect the equipment on the hard play area. The school had a multi school netball tournament on Tuesday and every single netball/basketball net had ...
A dog has gone missing in the village, a brown cockerpoo named Lily and she’s not got a collar. She is microchipped. If you ...
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we need a driver or taxi to take a relative back to Manchester Airport on Sunday afternoon at about four o’clock. Does anyone know of a cab company or individual ...
Kath and Owen’s farm dog went missing around 10 am this morning. He’s a red and white collie, he’s old and completely deaf, he’s very friendly and likely to be a bit ...
Does anyone have any spare common garden mint roots? If so, please let Emma and Rob know on 390203 / 07812 996851 and we can collect. Alternatively, you are very welcome to drop them round to Pond ...