First discovered: 3:14 p.m. Feb. 28 A new wildfire was reported today at 3:14 p.m. in San Diego County. Scout Fire has been ...
A new wildfire was reported today at 11:20 a.m. in San Diego County. Margarita Fire has been burning on private land. At this ...
Santa Ana winds are returning to San Diego County Wednesday evening, surging temperatures and prompting a wind advisory for ...
Ground and air crews made quick work Friday of a brush fire that blackened almost 40 acres of grassy meadows east of Lake ...
The San Diego Fire-Rescue Department Friday responded to a natural gas leak caused by a worker hitting a pipe near the Tierrasanta neighborhood.
Crews are responding to a vegetation fire near the Santa Margarita River Trail and and County Park Trail, Cal Fire confirmed.
Retired firefighter Ken Cavalli has five vintage fire engines on his property that he has used to keep his neighborhood safe ...
For the first time in recent history, Stage 1 fire restrictions are being enacted in the winter across Apache County due to ...
Three people, including a young child, died in a fire in Kittanning, Pennsylvania. The owners of Oh Sugarz are organizing a ...
Business owners in Altadena hope to see the diverse community that their organizations thrived in rise from the ashes.
Our grandparents turned crises into a generational post-war boom. The call is out in Halifax to do it again.