Learn more about eLife assessments Sleep disturbances are associated with poor long-term memory (LTM) formation, yet the underlying cell types and neural circuits involved have not been fully decoded.
A confocal microscope is a kind of fluorescent microscope used to obtain high-quality 2D and 3D images. The device is most commonly used to view cells and cell structures, but can be used to ...
Researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) have unveiled a planar optical device that ...
The study introduces new tools for measuring the intracellular calcium concentration close to transmitter release sites, which may be relevant for synaptic vesicle fusion and replenishment. This ...
SPIM multiview registration is complicated by degradation of the signal along the illumination as well as detection axes (Fig. 1b), limited overlap between the views, different orientations of the ...
UT Southwestern's innovative microscope integrates high and low-resolution imaging, facilitating advanced studies of cellular dynamics and disease processes.