In everyday life, we typically encounter water in one of three familiar states—solid, liquid or gas. But there are in fact ...
Water isn't just liquid, ice, or vapor — under extreme conditions, it can transform into exotic phases, such as the newly ...
In everyday life, we typically encounter water in one of three familiar states – solid, liquid or gas. But there are in fact many more phases, some of which – predicted to exist at high temperature ...
In everyday life, we typically encounter water in one of three familiar states – solid, liquid or gas. But there are in fact many more phases, some of ...
CBIC’s Structural Science Facility now houses a state-of-the-art microcrystal electron diffractometer — a game-changing ... crystalline grains are too small for traditional X-ray diffraction. These ...
We have applied this process with the inXitu TERRA XRD instrument, a field-portable, miniaturized X-ray diffractometer that uses a micro-focus Co X-ray tube and a CCD detector [24-26]. We used beryl ...
The structure of the powders was analyzed on an X-ray diffractometer (X'Pert Pro MPD) using Cu-Kα radiation (λ ~ 1.54053Å) and a JY HR800 Raman spectrometer (514 nm radiation and 2 cm −1 resolution).
X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were recorded on a Miniflex II or SmartLab powder diffractometer (Rigaku) with mono-chromated Cu Kα radiation (λ = 0.15418 nm). Field-emission scanning electron ...
The XRD patterns were obtained using a PAN analytical X-ray diffractometer with geometry and mirror monochromator of cobalt radiation with a wavelength 1.78896 Å. Pure asphalt binder, SBS MB and ...