The animated show Creature Commandos started James Gunn's DCU. The first episode canonized The Suicide Squad from 2021 and ...
This week, TV Editor Tim Lowery and Staff Writer William Hughes provide some help with your 2025 pop culture resolutions via recommendations for a music-listening companion show and the opening salvo ...
After the amazingly insightful news that Brian Dennehy will be playing Batman, we think we know who almost every other ...
Creature Commandos is an early success for James Gunn and Peter Safran’s DCU. Gunn’s superhero projects don’t miss, and the way he combined pathos, humor, and high action made Creature Commandos a ...
Creature Commandos, James Gunn's recent adult animated series on Max, is creating waves, bringing many unexplored and new characters from the DC comics with their origin stories.
Plenty of DC movies have been released over the years, so it's no surprise that some actors have starred in several as different characters.