First debuting in 1986, "Watchmen" is the beloved superhero murder mystery comic created by writer Alan Moore (who infamously ...
Themes of obsolescence are key to Watchmen, so it’s disappointing to see that part of Dr. Manhattan’s backstory turned into an Easter Egg. Watchmen was an ambitious endeavor, especially with ...
Before you write off the genre to fatigue, these 10 superhero films prove that studios are not out of tricks yet and there’s ...
But even in supposed victory, his gloating found few echoes; the so-called War on Christmas, rather than ending in climactic ...
The Americans), Dr. Manhattan (Michael Cerveris; The Mexican), and Silk Spectre (Katee Sackhoff; Riddick) were born. In Watchmen: Chapter I, we find out that Edward Blake/The Comedian is dead and ...
Andrew Carnegie and Watchmen’s Doctor Manhattan, the brooding, blue-skinned man-god who invents electric cars and moves to Mars." The publication said it was his dedication to furthering the ...
where watchmen never make an arrest, and where mobsters recruit musclemen who are still serving time in Sing Sing. Last week a five-man State Crime Commission opened public hearings in Manhattan ...
In Gunn’s opinion, a great example of this is Watchmen, one of the best comic book stories ever written, which only exists thanks to DC Comics’ commitment to the Elseworlds initiative.