A Texas House committee's public hearing on a controversial school voucher bill continued into the early morning hours ...
Should the New York strip steak be renamed the "Texas Strip" and take on the "official State Steak of Texas" honor? Or what ...
Burrows, with Abbott by his side, called it a “monumental day” for the school choice movement. While the Texas House and ...
AUSTIN, Texas (CN) — The Texas Senate passed a bill Tuesday permitting schools to allow students to take time during school ...
Members of the House Committee on Public Education clashed over the details of a school voucher bill — a topic that for the ...
a top priority for Texas’ Republican leadership. The House’s voucher plan would allocate $1 billion toward education savings accounts that some families could use for private school tuition ...
After ousting more than a dozen Republican opponents of private school choice, Gov. Greg Abbott could score a national win.
The House is considering a $1 billion bill that would allow up to 100,000 students in Texas to attend private schools.
The hearing on House Bill 3 started Tuesday and ended Wednesday morning. Hundreds of Texans waited overnight to testify. With ...