It might be the work of your friendly neighborhood hawk. The big picture ... What we have: Cooper's, red-tailed and sharp-shinned hawks have been the most-seen species in Salt Lake during the ...
Michael has provided a perfect photo to illustrate why nuthatches are comfortable climbing both up and straight down a tree ...
A small population of California burrowing owls is getting a helping hand when it comes to romance—from a team of devoted scientists. Finding a mate isn’t just about love for California ...
Our weekly picks of the best things to do in Cleveland this weekend. Also check out our full Cleveland event calendar. THU 03 ...
From birds to tarantulas, the Biology Club at City Colleges offers a wide variety of hands-on activities guiding students to ...
Watch a Red-tailed Hawk hunting, and you'll notice a distinct pattern: they soar in wide circles, then suddenly hover, focusing intensely on something below before tucking their wings and diving at ...
Let’s dive in and find out what animals call the Great Sand Dunes ... Flying bird of prey above the field meadow, Red-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis, landing in the forest. Wildlife scene from nature.
Flying Red-tailed hawk. Image by OndrejProsicky via Depoistphotos ... reaching speeds over 200 miles per hour during a dive! Surprisingly, it can be found in many U.S. cities, where these falcons ...
Gorgeous blue-tailed bee-eaters skate over ... seems to be in one hell of a hurry, diving and jinking at manic speed. We turn our attention to the lake again. Swallows, lovely in steel-blue, white and ...
Massachusetts lawmakers want to restrict a type of rat poison that is particularly dangerous to birds, pets and wildlife.