When a laser beam is incident on many small objects such as lycopodium powder, the resulting diffraction pattern is similar to the diffraction pattern of a small circular aperture (Airy's disk pattern ...
Can you re-use that metal powder on your 3D printer? Scared it will cause faults in your parts? One way to be certain is using Particle Shape testing. Here we test and easily differentiate new, ...
We compare diffraction patterns against the 2014 edition of the ICDD's Powder Diffraction File, a reference database of more than 340,000 reported crystalline phases to find the answer. We offer a ...
robotic sample changer and 30 silicon wafer sample holders. This allows powder diffraction data for a sub-milligram quantity of sample to be collected in minutes.
In the early 1980s, Sympatec introduced a breakthrough innovation which was leading laser diffraction to another dimension: dry powder dispersion for even the finest, cohesive powders came true with ...