TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Aktris Kat Dennings mengungkapkan bahwa namanya yang dikenal orang saat ini bukanlah nama aslinya. Hal ...
Berikut ini beberapa film dan serial Dian Sastrowardoyo yang bisa ditonton di Netflix. Ada Pasir Berbisik, Aruna dan Lidahnya ...
Setelah pernyataan itu, muncul poster "Kembalikan Dangdut pada Khitahnya", dengan tiga ... Tak tung, tak tung, tak tung tung! Tempo jadi enak buat joget. Apalagi dikompori senggakan. Di kiri panggung, ...
Pada 1971, dia menjabat sebagai Wakil Pemimpin Redaksi Majalah Berita Mingguan Tempo hingga akhir hayatnya. Dia telah menerbitkan buku biografinya yang berjudul "Saya Al Jufri bukan Al Capone" pada 25 ...
Wartawan senior sekaligus salah satu pendiri Majalah Berita Mingguan (MBM) Tempo Fikri Jufri meninggal pada Kamis 6 Maret 2025, sekitar pukul 09.41 WIB. Baca berita dengan sedikit iklan, klik di sini ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The atmosphere of the 'Dark Indonesia ... Several protesters also handed out black-and-white "Wanted" posters featuring President Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran ...
A new poster mocking Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who is also an adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump, appeared in a London advertisement space in late February 2025, specifically at a bus stop on the ...
"Goes from 0 to 1939 in 3 seconds," says the poster from campaign group Everyone Hates Elon as a slump in European Tesla sales also makes headlines. By Lily Ford It appears Elon Musk has enemies ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Members of the security unit of Hotel Fairmont ... In that action, three activists were seen carrying posters and expressing opposition to the revision of the TNI Law. The External ...
With only seven or eight copies known to exist, it’s considered the “holy grail” for poster collectors. Film posters can be works of art—illustrations that summarize a film’s greatest ...
Check out the poster in the space below: Released in 2005 , Revenge of the Sith marked the conclusion of the prequel trilogy (and, for a while, the Star Wars film series).