The Oppenheimer actor, who clarified that they now use they/them pronouns, spoke about how 'rewarding' coming out was in a statement to Out. Dumont, who has had small roles in the Paul Thomas ...
The actor, who uses they/them pronouns, starred as nuclear weapons pioneer J. Robert Oppenheimer's sister-in-law Jackie Oppenheimer in the Oscar-winning film. Speaking to Out, they explained ...
His Oppenheimer was not so much a miracle as hard work. He lost 28 pounds to get the silhouette. Then, he rose to the character step-by-step over six months--reading, listening to Oppenheimer's ...
Chris Nolan is using advanced technology to bring his next movie to life. The director, who hasn't yet revealed the name or plot outline for his upcoming film, said he's currently testing experimental ...
During the chat, the Oppenheimer star admitted that his 2024 movie was extremely 'special' for him. The 48-year-old Irish actor opened that while he was filming the Tim Mielants directorial ...
Tom Cruise has long championed the theater-going experience, even participating in the Barbenheimer double-feature and promoting a Christopher Nolan movie amidst a global pandemic.