We believe that Illumina would be able to grow its TAM by continuing to reduce the cost of sequencing as it has in the past (its recent Novaseq X) has reduced the cost from $600 to $200.
We believe that Illumina would be able to grow its TAM by continuing to reduce the cost of sequencing as it has in the past (its recent Novaseq X) has reduced the cost from $600 to $200.
RNA-seq libraries were sequenced as 150 bp paired-ends read using an Illumina NovaSeq 6,000 sequencer. HCT116 WT ... 11205D), followed by PCR amplification and size selection (200–600 bp) using Ampure ...
The altitude ranged from 300 to 600 m. The area has a subtropical monsoon climate ... pooled in equimolar quantities and paired-end sequenced (PE250) on an Illumina NovaSeq 6000 sequencing platform by ...
The import ban on Illumina's NGS sequencers follows its placement on China's Ministry of Commerce's (MOFCOM) ‘Unreliable Entity List’ last month. Image credit: JHVEPhoto via Shutterstock.
The Chinese government took its economic sanctions against San Diego-based Illumina a step further Tuesday by banning the gene-sequencing company from importing its machines to the country.
Illumina has established a strong foothold in the market. The company’s product portfolio includes high-throughput sequencers like the NovaSeq X series, as well as lower-throughput instruments ...
China announced a ban on Tuesday on imports of genetic sequencers from U.S. medical equipment maker Illumina , just minutes ...