The first major drama of the new Congress took place as the House of Representatives sought to elect a new speaker, with Mike ...
The FCC under President Barack Obama passed the most robust set of net neutrality rules, establishing their legal footing by ...
Mike Johnson has narrowly managed to win reelection as U.S. House Speaker. He received the minimum 218 votes on Friday, just ...
Hart promised to rebuild the party’s infrastructure and reestablish the Democratic brand in Iowa following years of ...
David M. Shribmanopinion Two are men, one a woman. Two are rebels, one a moderate. One leans left, another leans right, the third hews to the middle ground. They come from states that represent the ...
The Democratic Party brand is "in the toilet," according to party strategists Monday. The New York Times held a "written online conversation," hosted by contributing Times opinion writer Frank ...
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton show how Democrats have conceded the lane of social change and ...
While the Democratic Party ... saw its rival Republican Party take the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives, Fetterman is committed to working with the new president-elect.
And in the process, Kim unleashed a new, hard-to-measure political force in the Democratic Party, a force filled with idealism and an appetite for reform. He is now perhaps the most powerful ...
engage new voters, regain the confidence of the base and the wider electorate, and ensure internal change. For the Democratic Party in 2024, this elemental process of recovery won’t be so simple.
but non-delusional Democrats are finally recognizing the putrid stink coming off their party. But will the left let them do anything about it? In an interview with the New York Times’ Frank ...