The runner-up names, Plumpton Sinclair and Chewy Garcia, have been assigned to Ida Beav Wells’ two presumed kits.
South Yorkshire could see the first wild release of beavers in the region after the government said they would allow a number ...
On Feb. 12, Colgate University celebrated the opening of the Clifford Gallery’s new exhibition from Franco-American artist ...
A pair of beavers have been reintroduced to a South Downs stream to help restore waterways and create a flourishing wildlife ...
In an attempt to create a more immersive exhibition experience, art institutions in France have been employing some unusual ...
Natural flood prevention measures from beaver dams to "wild driveways" can deliver 10 times the value of every pound invested ...
The study highlights the “positive cost-benefit ratios” of investing in natural schemes that soak up water and slow its flow, ...
Nature minister Mary Creagh said: "Reintroducing beavers to the wild is a critical milestone for this government's plan to protect and restore our natural world." Roisin Campbell-Palmer of the ...
A new report commissioned by RSA Insurance, an Intact company, and The Wildlife Trusts shows that every £1 invested in ...
Two types of bird - the red-backed shrike and black grouse - could be re-introduced along with pine martens as part of the ...
People have been throwing dog poo and poo bags into where two beavers have been living in Shrewsbury. Posting on West Mercia Police ’s neighbourhood matters page, PCSO Sarah Williams said that it was ...