As artificial intelligence becomes increasingly integral to the world outside academia, universities face a crucial choice: to use or not to use.
This document provides an outline of the editorial process involved in publishing a scientific paper (Article) in Nature, and describes how manuscripts are handled by editors between submission ...
The cover shows some of the imposing moai statues on the island of Rapa Nui (also known as Easter Island), one of the most remote inhabited places in the world. People have been living on the ...
We’re heading to Jupiter’s moon Europa. Plus, the ethical issues raised by ever-more-realistic human embryo models and why 4 in 10 of us have a tiny knee bone linked to the risk of arthritis.
Areas of responsibility include: overseeing editorial content and strategy, and team management. Education: BSc, Università di Roma, La Sapienza; PhD, University of Tübingen; postdoctoral work ...
In brain tumours, immune cells called macrophages scavenge lipid debris from the myelin sheath of neurons. These lipid-laden macrophages cause immunosuppression, and their transfer of lipids to ...
This document provides details of the other material that Nature publishes, in addition to original research Articles. With the exception of Analysis articles, all other content types mentioned ...
This document provides guidelines on submission of Supplementary Information (SI), including content of SI, the type of files we can accept, the size constraints for individual files and how SI ...
This guide describes how to prepare contributions for submission. We recommend you read this in full if you have not previously submitted a contribution to Nature. We also recommend that, before ...
This guide provides information on preparing production-quality figures and text files. The instructions apply only if your manuscript has been accepted in principle for publication and an editor ...
Even ‘untouched’ natural landscapes bear witness to millennia of human influence, a lyrical book argues — with implications for how we seek to rewild them.