Parental relinquishments” account for 6% of foster care entries in Texas; critics say public investments in mental health ...
Breaking news. Spiwe Sarakunze Herald Reporter IN a distressing family dispute, Magret Pfunda, a Harare woman, appeared in ...
A bill crafted by the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) and the state's System of Care Advisory Council (SOCAC) would loosen the definition of child ab ...
Some first responders in Mobile said people are abusing 9-1-1 calls and taking resources away from real emergencies. These ...
WJAC provides news, weather and sports information for Johnstown, Altoona, State College and DuBois, Pennsylvania. Our ...
Hundreds of survivors of child sexual abuse at juvenile detention centers rallied Wednesday for justice. A child in 2012, ...
Lawyers said the state should be held just as accountable as the Catholic Church. They've since filed thousands of legal ...
The attorney general's proposed amendment to the state constitution allowing child crime victims to testify remotely in court ...
A West Virginia couple received the maximum sentences of decades in prison Wednesday for abusing their adoptive children, ...
After 35 years of failing reports and climbing suicide rates, a federal judge is appointing an outsider to propose fixes for ...
She and others whose lives have been affected by child sexual assault testified in favor of House Bill 748, authored by Rep.
Five Republican Minnesota state senators are pushing for the term to be included in the state's definition of mental illness.