State officials recently added tens of thousands of acres to wildfire hazard zones in and around Ventura County cities.
(KABC) -- Cal Fire's fire hazard severity maps are ... counties are in California. The updates are being released in four phases, and Monday's phase 3 update includes Ventura County.
After days of wet weather, Ventura County's rainfall remains far below normal for this time of year. Here's what to know.
More communities than previously thought could be impacted by a tsunami resulting from a large earthquake off the California ...
The new fire hazard severity zone maps issued by Cal Fire this week are part of a two-month statewide rollout.
After days of wet weather, Ventura ... Southern California. From May through December, the county recorded one of its driest eight-month periods. The rain remained mostly a no-show into late ...
and Monday's phase 3 update includes Ventura County. "This map, and the levels of fire hazard, really just match with the conditions our firefighters have been experiencing for several years now," ...
But the maps don't show the risk or potential damage a ... More information about the maps is available at In Ventura County, find more information about upcoming meetings ...