The bacteria used in this study included L. monocytogenes (ACM 98, Australian Collection of Micro-organisms), S. enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium (American Type Culture Collection; ATCC ...
For the MALDI-TOF MS analysis, the final product was applied in triplicate to a 96-spot polished steel target plate (Bruker Daltonik, Germany), dried at room temperature, and overlaid with 1 μL of 10 ...
A study conducted by researchers at ESPOL has developed genetically improved bean varieties that are capable of withstanding ...
Now, vibration plates are a social media trend, with many claiming that they are an excellent alternative workout method that can provide several health benefits. Meanwhile, researchers have ...
Joanne Weir’s award-winning Plates and Places is your first-class ticket to culinary adventure! Explore the destinations, meet the local people, and cook with the inspiring ingredients that have ...
A Community Plate get-together is based on sharing pot-luck meals and recipes, and is capped off with participants taking turns sharing theme-based stories to connect ...
Recently, I purchased a set of plates that looked like they were from the '70s, and I use them nearly every night. One evening while admiring the design, I began to wonder what year, exactly ...
Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United States Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, Massachusetts ...
Additionally, the presence of AFPep1 in the solution shaped ice crystals into hexagonal plates, indicating specific binding to ice. Moreover, thermal hysteresis results show that AFPep1 completely ...