The Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar police have proposed a budget of Rs 35-40 crore to modernize their operations. Key areas for improvement include enhancing the cyber cell and acquiring advanced equipment ...
Uncover the evolving landscape of digital financial crime in Nigeria. Find out about recent research that reveals a striking ...
Portable metal detectors industry set for strong growth, driven by rising security needs, with Europe and North America leading regional contributions. Ankush Nikam Future Market Insights, Inc.
Brad Jewett, vice chairman of the Grand Traverse County commission, was sentenced Monday to five days in jail for soliciting ...
The remaining quantity has been secured by the CDSCO to prevent any further circulation in the market. During the raid, the ...
The vice chairman of the Grand Traverse County Commission faced up to 93 days in jail for the misdemeanor sentence.
However, they have yet to gain access to a sample for analysis. Lookout believes that law enforcement manually installs the EagleMsgSpy spyware when they have physical access to unlocked devices.
Undermined: Thirteenth in a series about the impacts of longwall mining in Alabama. OAK GROVE, Ala.—The regulators have known ...
The "game-changer" facility is expected to open early in 2026 with a better setup to investigate DNA, ballistics and several ...