Santhanam took to X to reveal that Madha Gaja Raja will be released worldwide on January 12, 2025. Santhanam wrote, "Kings of Entertainment @VishalKOfficial #SundarC @iamsanthanam A @vijayantony ...
Leading Indian artists such as Shilpa Gupta, Anju Dodiya and Thukral & Tagra share their best reads from the year, which ...
Karthika Gupta is a photographer, podcaster, and freelance journalist in Chicagoland. As an avid outdoor enthusiast, she enjoys writing about destinations, brands, and products in the outdoor ...
The literary world mourns the loss of Madath Thekkepaattu Vasudevan Nair, a celebrated Malayalam author, screenwriter, and filmmaker, who passed away in Kerala today. Known fondly as MT, he was a ...
Incorporated in 1990 as a private limited company BDH Industries (BDHIL) was converted into a public limited company in 1994. It was established to take over a going concern Bombay Drug House Pvt Ltd.
Remya Nair worked as a Senior Associate Editor with ThePrint writing on political economy. She has a post-graduate degree in Economics from Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics. Remya has over ...
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Here you will get the complete list of the upcoming movies and their release dates in the month of December,2025. This listing is purely based on the announcements made by the producers/production ...