A report noted an employee touched a phone and then put on gloves without washing hands between tasks. A dish machine also needed service.
The Hancock County Health Department inspects restaurants four times annually, and violations are determined as “C” for critical, “NC” for noncritical and “R” for repeated violations. The following ...
The Sentinel, in 2025, will begin publishing regular reports on “priority” violations — ones that could directly lead to ...
Only soap and water penetrate the type of bacteria present in the bad stomach bug.
The Tienda Tikal restaurant and grocery store were given an 88 and 83 respectively. A walk-in cooler had a leak, with liquid ...
Insert the shoes and shoelaces into a mesh laundry bag or old pillow case and close it securely. Add the bag to your washer ...
Since January, the Ocean County Health Department has inspected 597 restaurants, convenience stores and cafeterias.
Budding engineers have designed an automatic mist hand sanitizer machine. Machine has been installed at SSLC exam centers. Keeping in mind the rapid spread, a sensor has been installed in machine ...
Its ice machine “has dark ... The health care facility had a leaking hand sink and lacked both sanitizers and test kits for the sanitizing solutions. The inspector recommended sealing the ...
Because it's only open four days a week, the modestly-sized eatery is a bustling environment where Henderson and his crew work like a well-oiled machine to serve their deeply loyal patrons.
BJ's Brick Pit House, 107 N. Main St.: Jan. 24: Two violations: Sanitizer for kitchen dish machine not used according to label instructions (corrected during inspection); packaged frozen pizzas ...