Woe to the Callery pear, possibly the most unloved fruit-bearing tree this side of the Garden of Eden. Sales of this Asian native and its best-known cultivar, the Bradford pear, have been banned in ...
Veggies aren't the only food you can grow on your own. But if you're going to grow fruit, avoid growing some of these tree ...
Yozakura Cherry Blossom Festival: 7-11 p.m. March 22-April 5. View 12 illuminated mature cherry trees during peak blooming ...
Dúlra has written about them many times – perhaps more than any other bird – because there’s something about the bullfinch ...
That scar is an artifact of a process called grafting, or fusing two separate pieces of wood into a new tree. From citrus to peaches, almost all fruit trees are grafted, and so are pecans. Some ...
Ash can also be treated with pesticide to prevent the beetles but at upwards of $300 a tree it is cost prohibitive for most communities.
Fertilization of gardens and landscapes typically begins in April after soils have warmed. With fertilization, one size (or ...
In the Chicago metro area, an invasive beetle called the emerald ash borer wiped out tens of thousands of ash ... The researchers found that test scores dropped by about 1.22% in places where tree ...