Apex predators attract a special kind of fascination; also called "super predators," they sit at the top of the food chain, unquestionably the most dominant members of the animal kingdom.
After consulting with federal authorities, rescuers decided the most humane course of action was to euthanize the animal.
A study just published in the journal Global Change Biology revealed gray whales that feed in the shallow waters off the Pacific Northwest coast have shrunk significantly in the last two decades.
According to sources it is likely a Bryde’s whale that are smoky blue-grey in color with long slender bodies. They spend most of their time alone or in pairs, though larger groups have been sighted ...
She nudged her nose under her lifeless newborn, laboring to keep it above the gray water of Puget Sound. She couldn’t rest, or stop to eat ... why the young whale died less than two weeks ...
The southern resident killer whale, known as Tahlequah, has now lost another calf in what the Center for Whale Research called “devastating” news.
There was Eileen — a male Bigg’s killer whale that was incongruously named after a museum donor — as well as Stella the sea lion, Stubby the orca calf, and Arnie the grey whale. There were also ...