Festivus is a wacky holiday popularized in a 1997 “Seinfeld” episode. Billed as “Festivus for the rest of us,” the holiday is ...
According to the tradition, during the Festivus family dinner, everyone publicly shares ways they've been disappointed by family members during the last year, as an “airing of grievances.” There is no ...
The fictional holiday is typically celebrated on Dec. 23, and Festivus came to us from the writers of ‘Seinfeld’ television ...
Here's everything you need to know Festivus, the "Seinfeld" holiday celebrated on December 23 that is a reaction to the ...
Festivus is an alternative to Christmas, where families can air their grievances towards one another, decorate with an unadorned metal pole and physically wrestle. The TV holiday was actually ...
The fictional holiday is typically celebrated on Dec. 23, and Festivus came to us from the writers of ‘Seinfeld’ television ...
For those folks who may be finding that holiday cheer is hard to come by, there is an alternative to the cheery decking of the halls. There is an available option to celebrate a holiday and ...
December 23 is Festivus, a day reserved in history for all who feel that the normal holiday traditions don’t quite fit the ...