Using data from over 150,000 participants, researchers discovered that people who ate yogurt twice a week had a 20% lower incidence of certain colorectal cancers. The protective effect was associated ...
Just two servings of yogurt a week may protect the bowels from some specific types of cancer, according to a new long-term study in the US. For years now, scientists have suspected yogurt and its ...
JERUSALEM (JTA) — The honorary chairman and namesake of the Dannon yogurt company has died. Daniel Carasso, who turned yogurt into a household food staple, died May 17 at his Paris home.
The three-dairy family operation will ship all its milk to Texas plant. A Kansas family dairy has signed a deal to supply its milk exclusively to yogurt-maker Dannon Co. “We’re incredibly excited and ...
Dannon agreed pay $21 million in a settlement with 39 states and drop some health claims for its Activia yogurt and DanActive dairy drink. Feb 18, 2011 OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -- A national settlement yogurt ...