The Rich man and Lazarus, by Eugène Burnand, 1899, Pencil and graphite on paper © Musée Eugène Burnand, Moudon. Source: ...
Poor wordy little Protestants” — as someone once said — have severed this connection between the church and its visual soul ...
The Huntington has acquired a print of Jesus in the Mount of Olives that had been pasted inside its Gutenberg Bible for 400 ...
The Painting Nodal Made for Her. In another post, Ángela proudly shared a painting that her husband had gifted her, which was ...
By Jon WinklerThe history and development of the East End is inexorably intertwined with that of the Montaukett and ...
Drawing on centuries of hymnody, the songwriting collective asks the question: “What else could we be singing about?” ...