Four County Players' production of "The Prom," which opens this weekend, is more than just glitz and glamour; it's about unity when you need it most.
Get Access To Every Broadway Story Unlock access to ... and Nick Edelman as Shop and Build Supervisor. THE PROM opens March 7, 2025, and runs weekends on the Mainstage through March 30, 2025.
A local nonprofit is working to ensure that every teen can be dressed for success. Urban Community Connections is getting ...
Organization leaders noted that the initiative gives high school juniors and seniors free formal attire for prom and graduation to ensure they step into milestone moments with confidence and style.
If the recently-opened Halls Crossroads Historical Museum needed validation of the community's support, it was given before Christmas when the Halls Business and Professional Association honored Carol ...
Fast forward to Manheim's early 20s, and he is about to star in his fourth installment of the Zombies franchise, for which he ...
Outstanding Scenic Design of a Play (Drama Desk Awards) for Grey House, Outstanding Scenic Design of a Musical (Drama Desk Awards) for Shucked, Best Scenic Design of a Musical (Tony Awards) for ...
Broadway’s Tony-nominated musical tells story of teenage girl fighting for the right to bring her girlfriend to the dance, and the people who support them.
Cancer is cruel. It doesn’t care that you’re only 37, that you're the mother of a little girl who is your entire world. So Elissa vowed to fight.