The four-minute sketch, which aired during the show’s Dec. 21 episode, relentlessly skewered the Charles Schulz animated classic while making several adults-only jokes.
This one goes out to the North Carolina General Assembly and Congress, but it will take a little explaining. When Hurricane ...
Discover why the animated classic "A Charlie Brown Christmas" almost never appeared on television because of fears it was too serious.
When Charlie Brown joyfully returns to his friends with the spindly little tree, the rest of the “Peanuts” gang ridicule his ...
I may be in my seventh decade of life, but I still love the old Christmas specials, the ones that came out in the 1960s.
MILTON, Vt. (WCAX) - Milton residents are searching for the annual Charlie Brown Christmas tree in the hopes of adding an ornament of their own. “‘There it is!’ I was like a kid in a candy ...
It's hard to imagine the holidays without "A Charlie Brown Christmas." The 1965 broadcast has become a staple of the season for many generations. But this beloved TV special almost didn't make it ...
It’s hard to imagine the holidays without “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” The 1965 broadcast has become a staple of the season for many generations. But this beloved TV special almost didn’t ...
It’s hard to imagine a holiday season without “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” The 1965 broadcast has become a staple — etched into traditions across generations like decorating the tree or ...
It’s hard to imagine the holidays without “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” The 1965 broadcast has become a staple of the season for generations. But this beloved TV special almost didn’t make it to air.