A recent Deseret News/Hinckley Institute of Politics poll found that Utah voters ages 18-34 are more likely to be Democrats. More than one-third (34%) of this age group identified as members of the Democratic Party, compared to 22% of those ages 35-49, 19% of those 50-64 and 25% of those 65 and above.
This year has already seen the most competitive GOP field for an open Senate seat in 30 years, the closest recount in a House race in decades, and an unusually difficult reelection bid for a sitting governor that led to an alliance between his failed primary challenger and the Democratic nominee — all before Labor Day.
Government watchdog groups in Utah are asking a judge to remove from November's ballot a measure that would bolster lawmakers' power. The question would amend the state constitution to allow lawmakers to change citizen-initiated ballot measures after they have passed.
A new report from the Utah Foundation examined some of Utah's challenges and determined that there are in fact issues that Utahns generally agree upon across party lines.
Government watchdog groups are asking a judge to remove from the Utah ballot a measure that would give lawmakers more power over citizen initiatives.The court f
Government watchdog groups are asking a judge to remove from the Utah ballot a measure that would give lawmakers more power over citizen initiatives.
Former President Donald Trump plans to fundraise in Salt Lake City next week, after two previous Utah fundraisers were canceled over the summer. According to an invitation obtained by the Deseret News, the Trump event will be held on the evening of Saturday, Sept. 14.
However, all were listed in the top 17 priorities of Utahns. To identify these concerns, the Utah Foundation conducted two surveys, according to Utah Foundation President Shawn Teigen.
The fight over the Utah Legislature’s attempt to rewrite the state Constitution to override a recent Utah Supreme Court ruling in a legal battle over the state’s redistricting process has spurred a new lawsuit.
The language that will appear on the Nov. 5 ballot asking voters whether to change the Utah Constitution to sidestep a recent Utah Supreme Court ruling on ballot initiatives has been finalized. Anti-gerrymandering advocates with the group Better Boundaries decried the language as misleading.
A new Utah Foundation report reveals that housing affordability, government overreach and inflation are top priorities for voters.
Axios Visuals It's been nearly 60 years since a Democratic presidential candidate won the state of Utah. Driving the news: The maps above show the last year each state went for a different party than it did in 2020,