Republican Sen. John Thune has the largest political war chest of any U.S. senator, topping the $20 million mark even though he’s not up for re-election until 2028. Rep. Dusty Johnson, the state’s lone congressman,
News Watch used Federal Elections Commission data to rank the top five political war chests in South Dakota as of the last reporting date, June 30.
A 66-year-old Jewish man from North Miami Beach, Florida, wants 17,509 South Dakota voters to sign his petition to get an initiated measure, requiring a prayer be read in schools at the start of each school day, onto the ballot for the 2026 general election.
Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are readying for a pivotal new stretch of the 2024 campaign, with the two focusing on key battleground states ahead of their debate next week.
Donald Trump is trying to crush Democratic nominee Kamala Harris’ persona as a force of change and to destroy her personal credibility as a potential president as their still-fresh competition careens into the final nine weeks before Election Day.
The leading group in favor of keeping Alaska's system of open primaries and ranked choice voting raised over $4.5 million in August from Outside donors, which dwarfs all the donations received by a group seeking to repeal the state's current voting system.
Senators, of course, have six-year terms, with one third of the hundred in the chamber up every two years. The group on the chopping block in the sixth year is the one that got elected when the two-term President first swept in--and that usually means a whole lot of the President's colleagues,