Republican Kelly Ayotte wasn’t on the debate stage Friday, but New Hampshire’s Democratic gubernatorial hopefuls mentioned her by name at least a dozen times.
New Hampshire is among the smallest states in the country, but its state primaries have enough intrigue to fill a much larger state.
The New Hampshire secretary of state's office has confirmed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will not be on the ballot in New Hampshire.
Vice President Kamala Harris has used a New Hampshire campaign stop to propose an expansion of tax incentives for small businesses
HOT AIR — Sniping in New Hampshire’s Democratic primaries may come back to bite the party in the general election, but the increasingly bitter battles in the races to replace Republican Gov. Chris Sununu and Democratic Rep. Annie Kuster have been a boon for Boston’s media market.
Most of the Republican candidates hoping to challenge the Democratic incumbent in New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District say they would rise above partisan bickering, but one says arguing is part of the job.
Where to vote in NH primary Sept. 10, from Portsmouth to Exeter, to Hampton, to Dover, to Rochester, to Seabrook and more.
Former President Trump said his competitor, Vice President Harris, is seeing “problems” with her campaign in New Hampshire. “Comrade Kamala Harris sees there are problems for her campaign in New
The former president's team recently let go of a volunteer who suggested the Granite State cannot be won by the Republican.
New Hampshire is among the smallest states in the country, but its state primaries on Tuesday have enough intrigue to fill a much larger state. The New England state has an independent streak that makes it hard to categorize as red or blue.
Trump still believes he can win the Granite State, alleging “New Hampshire was so badly treated by the Democrat Party."
Republicans Chris Bright, Joseph Kelly Levasseur, Hollie Noveletsky and Russell Prescott say what they think Congress can do to alleviate housing pressure.