An anime based on Ghost of Tsushima: Legends is currently in the works, with the series set for a 2027 release. The announcement was made during Sony Group Corporation’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) press conference.
The popular PlayStation game is getting its own anime adaptation from the people behind 'Batman Ninja' and 'Star Wars Visions'.
Released by Sony Interactive Entertainment in 2020, the game Ghost of Tsushima took players on an extraordinary quest through the samurai world. Soon, those who aren’t game enthusiasts can also go on this journey.
Crunchyroll will be the exclusive home to a Ghost of Tsushima: Legends anime series, based on the PlayStation game's multiplayer mode.
The anime series will adapt the storyline of ‘Ghost of Tsushima: Legends’, the 2020 co-operative multiplayer follow-up to the original game
Crunchyroll has announced that it is teaming with Sony Music and PlayStation Productions for an anime series adaptation of Sucker Punch Productions’ award-winning Ghost of Tsushima video game and its “Legends” cooperative multiplayer experience,
Hit video game ‘Ghost of Tsushima: Legends’ to get an anime series spin and premiere on Sony-owned streaming platform, Crunchyroll, in 2027.
the creative team of Sucker Punch Productions and Aniplex; Sony Music’s iconic global artist roster; and Crunchyroll’s fan-first global marketing and distribution footprint,” said Rahul ...
On January 6, 2025, Crunchyroll announced that Ghost of Tsushima: Legends will be getting an anime adaptation on its platform. This is thanks to a collaborative effort between Aniplex, Sony Music, PlayStation Productions, and the developer, Sucker Punch Productions.
A Ghost of Tsushima anime is officially in the works at Crunchyroll, with the series already in production and a release date window set for the series. What do we know about the Ghost of Tsushima anime?
With Japanese animation forecast to become a $60 billion business by 2030, Sony is leveraging its assets behind the category: "We are very bullish about the overall growth of anime and what that means for us.
The legends of Tsushima have breached a new territory: anime. Today, at CES 2025 in Las Vegas, PlayStation Productions, in collaboration with Aniplex, Sony Music, and Crunchyroll, revealed an anime adaptation of the world of Ghost of Tsushima,