Astronomers using the Murchison Widefield Array in Western Australia have searched for alien signals at a 10 kHz spectral resolution originating from a population of about 2,800 galaxies toward the ...
A team of paleontologists led by Southern Methodist University has discovered more than 260 footprints of Early Cretaceous dinosaurs in Brazil and in Cameroon, showing where land-dwelling dinosaurs ...
Typically, plants grow in crowded environments, where neighboring plants shade each other while competing for light. The presence of neighbors varies over space and time, and plants have evolved the ...
Two-dimensional (2D) aurora images with full spectrum have been captured by scientists in Japan using the newly-developed hyperspectral camera for auroral imaging (HySCAI). The aurora is a natural ...
Water is an important component of exoplanets, with its distribution, that is, whether at the surface or deep inside, fundamentally influencing the planetary properties. According to new research, for ...
The Altar Stone, a 6-ton sandstone megalith that sits at the center of Stonehenge’s iconic stone circle, was sourced at least 750 km from its current location, according to new research led by Curtin ...
Multiple studies have demonstrated that European colonization of the Americas led to the extinction of nearly all North American dog mitochondrial lineages and replacement with European ones sometime ...
Paleontologists have unearthed three large (up to 7.2 cm in length) seeds and 43 fossil leaves of an ancient legume species in the Wahana Baratama coal mine near Satui, South Kalimantan, Indonesian ...
New data about the Martian crust gathered by NASA’s InSight lander allowed geophysicists at the University of California San Diego and the University of California Berkeley to estimate that the amount ...
The newly-discovered crocodylomorph species lived in the shallow seas of Germany during the Early Cretaceous epoch, between 140 and 132 million years ago. Dubbed Enalioetes schroederi, the ancient ...
Discovered in 2020, Swift J1818.0-1617 is believed to be the fastest-spinning, rotating with a spin period of 1.36 seconds, and the youngest magnetar discovered thus far. Situated on the other side of ...
ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs), comprising billions of parameters and pre-trained on extensive web-scale corpora, have been claimed to acquire certain capabilities without having been ...