Apart from doing yoga, Pilates can be an effective choice for improving and maintaining physical and mental health.
The spread of the monkey pox virus is still a threat to health, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is one way to prevent it.
Here are the 15 types of sexual violence according to the National Commission on Violence Against Women: A form of assault ...
With dedication and hard work, Ajang has managed to maintain the authentic taste of Awug, keeping his store busy with both ...
PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Indonesia’s cultural wealth is vast and diverse, reflecting the ever-evolving diversity and the long history ...
Studies show that moderate fruit consumption can help reduce calorie intake and support weight loss, as well as help control ...
The name 'Benjang' is derived from the Sundanese phrase 'Sasamben Budak Bujang,' which translates to 'gathering place for ...
These hormones play a crucial role in regulating the menstrual cycle and supporting overall reproductive health.
For those visiting Bogor, particularly along Pajajaran Street, the sight of numerous batagor vendors lining the roadside.
Kelom Geulis is not just a footwear product; it reflects the rich cultural heritage and local wisdom of Tasikmalaya.
In addition to housing the office of the Governor, there is a museum in this building that can be visited by the public.
Pink Beach Lombok is one of only seven beaches in the world with pink sand, and one of only two in Indonesia with this unique ...