I have applied bacteriology and simple chemistry to development of vaccines against bacterial infections of infancy, particularly bacteria in which the capsular polysaccharide (CP) interferes with ...
Peter Walter attended the Freie Universität Berlin, received his MS in Organic Chemistry from Vanderbilt University in 1977, and his Ph.D. in Cell Biology at The Rockefeller University in 1981. In ...
My laboratory has been identifying genes that contribute to development of vascular disease in humans and determining how these mutations alter normal physiology to result in clinical disease. Many of ...
Casey Weaver is an immunologist who studies the development and function of CD4 T cells. He is best known for his contributions in defining the Th17 subset and its function in host defense and ...
Robert Tycko was trained originally as a physical chemist. His work includes contributions to magnetic resonance methodology, condensed matter physics, biophysics, and structural biology. He is best ...
Rachel Wilson is a neuroscientist known for her contributions to cellular and systems neurophysiology. Her research focuses on the relationship between cellular biophysical properties and neural ...
In his work he has made important contributions to the analysis of complex datasets, most recently in genomics and proteomics. Some of his most well-known contributions are the lasso, which uses L1 ...
I am interested in understanding how intercellular signals control embryogenesis and organogenesis. From our work and that of many others, it has emerged that molecules of the Wnt family regulate ...
Neal Lane is currently professor of physics and astronomy emeritus, university professor emeritus, and senior fellow in science and technology policy at rice university’s baker institute for public ...
My research interests include photochemistry and electrochemistry of metal complexes and organometallic compounds; multiple electron and atom transfer reactions; redox catalysis; artificial ...
My research interest is in specific immunity to viruses. Much of this has been focused on the nature of CD8+ T cell effector function reflecting the discovery, with Rolf Zinkernagel, that this class ...
My research is on scientific computing with application to fluid dynamics, particularly on automatic methods for computing complex flows. This involves difference methods for partial differential ...