The grant, from Eric and Wendy Schmidt, will be used to launch regional newsrooms in Appalachia and the Mountain West. It ...
Local mailman and Desert Companion contributor Alan Gegax launched his podcast Classes of Mail last year. And it’s been doing ...
Testimony is underway in actor Alec Baldwin’s trial for involuntary manslaughter. He appeared in court on Wednesday in Santa ...
Scientists have recreated the three-dimensional structure of the woolly mammoth’s genetic blueprint. The accomplishment, ...
Writers share advice on how to sensitively interview family members about painful or traumatic memories. These conversations ...
The American Civil Liberties Union is developing a legal strategy to counter former President Donald Trump in the event he ...
Health-care facilities have been under attack by both sides in Sudan’s year-long civil war; aid groups are trying to shore up ...
The BBC confirmed that the women killed were members of the family of its commentator John Hunt. The suspect, Kyle Clifford, ...
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said the recall includes certain 3 Series Sedans and 3 Series Sportswagons ...
President Biden faces yet another high-profile public test of whether he’s sharp enough to campaign for a second term when he ...
At least six people were injured in shark attacks in the U.S. since the July Fourth weekend. Such attacks are actually rare, ...
Molly Baker was devastated when her husband died in a skiing accident. Then, a friend came up with a novel way to offer ...