As the 181-strong wedding party moved to the basement shelter, they were joined by members of every other ongoing party at ...
A Rio Tinto spokesperson announced that the company "is pleased that the wishes of the Mirarr People ... were respected." ...
Professional trackers, planes, and emotional support from strangers as far away as Germany, all lent a hand in looking for ...
The idea mimics the function that wolves once played in that part of England, roaming over vast distances shedding seeds ...
As of December 2023, there are 561 California condors in the world, of which 344 are living in the wild, up from 22 in 1967, ...
Using these ingredients, the team estimates that just 1 gram of pre-treated aluminum pellets would generate 1.3 liters of ...
After receiving a diagnosis of chronic kidney failure in September 2023, Jess Hause was stunned at the number of people ...
Deposited there via seismic activity, it was found near the resort town of Baiae, where it would have lined the floors of a ...
Erica Hernandez ordered dinner from Chipotle, and concealed inside the bag was a handwritten note asking for a little help.
British senior Malcolm Brocklehurst who pre-planned his funeral and bought an orange airplane-shaped coffin, had his final ...
Inventor Johannes Voelchert came up with the idea during Halloween, when he watched a child spray spider webs all over a bush ...
To combat the threat of AI deep fakes and misinformation in US elections, a new Task Force links state officials to combat ...