Many feel that the requirements of the DES outweighed the benefit brought by the investment into practices and ARRS ...
How should the transition to a safer, more sustainable workload be managed?
Peter Curry, BMA retired members committee chair, updates members on the BMA’s local restructure plans, the evidence led ...
A comprehensive study on doctor whistleblowers in Scotland has revealed “shocking” experiences of repercussions including ...
The BMA is calling on the Government to stop what it calls a “growing epidemic of vape use in the UK”. With vape use among ...
Quarterly waiting list data issued today shows continuing pressure on services, impacting patient waiting times and also negatively impacting the clinicians who are doing the best they can to provide ...
Responding to reports that the Government is considering expanding outdoor spaces where it will be illegal to smoke tobacco, Dr Penelope Toff, BMA public health medicine committee chair, said: ...
Salaried GPs are on a time-based contract and must be remunerated for every hour they are expected to work. This includes ...
Q: What do we do when we are fully booked? Where do we send patients? Will we be in trouble with the ICB if we tell patients ...
This has made a huge difference to our clinicians. We spend longer with patients but it is based on a realistic rota which ...
This guide is designed to help GP practices make decisions that will allow them to prioritise their limited capacity to deliver safe, high-quality care. GPC England recommends you can do this by ...