Orville and Wilbur Wright were inspired by Otto Lilienthal, a German glider pioneer. Though he crashed to his death in 1896, the Wrights were obsessed the technical problems involved in flight. They ...
The first transistor was about half an inch high. That's mammoth by today's standards, when 7 million transistors can fit on a single computer chip. It was nevertheless an amazing piece of technology.
Photo: The identical Herrick twins were the first participants in a successful kidney transplant. The idea of transplanting organs is not new. It can be found in myths of the ancient Greeks and was ...
An exploration of the evolution of Auschwitz and its three camps. A detailed look at archival maps, blueprints and photos of Auschwitz. A guide to Nazi concentration camps and ghettos. Archival maps, ...
DANIEL PATRICK MOYNIHAN United States Senator (D-NY) QUESTION: I wonder if we could begin with a short autobiography from you? Let's take it from birth to the end of your career in the U.S. Navy. SEN.
Niels Bohr was born and educated in Copenhagen, Denmark. He lived, worked, and died there, too. But his mark on science and history was worldwide. His professional work and personal convictions were ...
Alexander Fleming was born in a remote, rural part of Scotland. The seventh of eight siblings and half-siblings, his family worked an 800-acre farm a mile from the nearest house. The Fleming children ...
brings two decades of producing compelling science materials for the public to this project. She is also an Executive Producer of the documentary Transistorized! Over the past three years she produced ...
Be more knowledgeable, pledge now and support programs like Guns, Germs and Steel. Make a pledge and be a part of programs like this. Become a part of the experience and pledge to your local PBS ...
In a sense this is a fragile work. In its verbal silence, rigorous formalism and focus on the present, it ultimately must engage the memory of the viewer to endow it with meaning. – Beryl Korot Dachau ...
Michael Riordan, along with Lillian Hoddeson, is the co-author of Crystal Fire: The Birth of the Information Age, which chronicles the history of the transistor. Calling on his background in both ...
This Teacher's Guide provides lessons, activities and resources that will help teachers integrate social science data, concepts of measurement, social consequences of measurement, and the history of ...