Kamala Harris is oblivious to humanity’s addiction to oil as she is to these two basic facts: In a world Kamala wants to be ...
The timing of Harris’ unflinching support for unaffordable and unreliable renewable energy coupled with her antipathy towards ...
Whether the rich pay their fair share of taxes remains contentious. Regardless of your position on this, accurate numbers on ...
CFACT’s President Craig Rucker sent Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin a letter warning him about the serious risk of blade ...
More than six in 10 likely voters nationally and in battleground states believe cheating will affect outcome of 2024 election ...
Heartland’s Tim Benson is joined by Sean A. Mirski, Visiting Scholar at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, to discuss his new book, We May Dominate the World: Ambition, Anxiety, and the ...
Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA) has behaved in a manner regarding climate that makes it clear he has accepted the alarmist climate ...
According to a new poll conducted by The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports, more than 60 percent of likely voters both nationally and in the battleground states are concerned that cheating ...
Trump leads Biden 49% to 44% among likely swing state voters. Likely voters in battleground states also favor Republicans in ...
As a refresher for Biden’s and Newsom’s passion for pursuing net-zero emissions, wind and solar do different things than ...
Atlantic writer Mateo Wong gushes about “a group of people in a red Tesla driving through the Moroccan desert,” when one ...
Nearly six in 10 battleground state likely voters favor law that would “dramatically increase” oil production to reduce ...