Cannabidiol is safe and may reduce anxiety levels in patients with advanced breast cancer 2 to 4 hours after ingestion.
Single- and double-purse-string suture catheter insertion methods for peritoneal dialysis are associated with comparable postinsertion complication and technical survival rates.
Patients with RA had a nearly 1.8-fold higher risk for incident heart failure compared with those without RA after adjusting for cardiovascular disease risk factors. (HealthDay News) — Rheumatoid ...
Sexual minority women were more likely than heterosexual women to endorse recent sexual activity, less likely to report pain during sex and less likely to report past-month vaginal symptoms.
Higher intakes of artificially sweetened and sugar-sweetened beverages) are associated with an elevated risk for chronic ...
Controlled fasting in adults with primary glomerular kidney disease may help protect the organ, preliminary research suggests.
Antibiotic use was not associated with increased risks for dementia, CIND, or subsequent declines in cognitive scores ...
Patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)and their clinicians need to be alert for diabetes, ...
(HealthDay News) — Weaker handgrip strength (HGS) appears to be associated with a higher likelihood of having diabetes ...
Higher patient to nurse and patient to social worker ratios are associated with reduced access to kidney transplantation. Adolescents and young adults receiving care at dialysis facilities with ...
(HealthDay News) — The Predicting Risk of Cardiovascular Disease EVENTs (PREVENT) equations classify 15.0 million U.S. adults as having an elevated risk for heart failure, according to a research ...
From 2022 to 2023, there was an increase of 0.9 years in life expectancy for the US population, reaching 78.4 years in 2023.