Oregon lawmakers are considering competing proposals intended to protect pollinators from neonicotinoid pesticides by keeping ...
President Donald Trump issued executive orders March 1 to immediately expand U.S. timber production and address wood products ...
A gray wolf responsible for killing six calves and injuring two more — and the probable cause of four more livestock ...
U.S. District Judge William Alsup amended an oral ruling and ordered the Trump administration’s personnel director to rescind ...
President Trump raised tariffs on the top three foreign destinations for U.S. farm goods, telling farmers to get ready to ...
National Potato Council voting delegates at a recent Washington, D.C., summit elected Ted Tschirky of Pasco, Wash., as ...
Paul Katovich opened a large drawer in a filing cabinet in his office at HighLine Grain Growers headquarters in Waterville, ...
Soft white wheat grown primarily in the Pacific Northwest is gaining in popularity in Mexico, according to the Washington ...
Oregon forestry officials could initiate firefighting on federal lands, even if it’s not requested by the U.S. government, ...
The shortage of veterinarians in rural Oregon has spurred a proposal to allow trained non-veterinarians to perform pregnancy ...
The proposed firing of more than 2,000 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers federal employees, including more than 600 in the Pacific ...
Aquaculture advocates are asking Oregon lawmakers to reject additional fish farming regulations they claim will derail ...