While this clip melts your heart, be sure not to miss another video showing an adorable baby gorilla playing with his mum. The moment is so simple and pure that you'll want to watch the video again.
Baby G reunited with his surrogate mom Fredrika at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo's gorilla enclosure after spending time away from the troop getting treated for pneumonia This video captures the ...
Jameela, a new baby gorilla at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo ... She’s very strong,” says animal curator Dr. Elena Less in a new video update shared by the Cleveland Zoo.
On Friday, staff with the zoo announced that a 12-year-old gorilla named Adelina had given birth to a brand new baby gorilla during the early morning hours of March 1. While they have been unable ...
LITTLE ROCK (KATV) — A baby gorilla has become the newest addition to the Little Rock Zoo! In a post to their Facebook page, Zoo officials announced that the infant was born to mother Adelina (12) in ...
He watched on nervously via a video stream as Kaius's mother Kipenzi ... Zookeepers have not been able to identify the gender of the new baby gorilla yet because it is being closely protected ...
Meisie is part of a global conservation scheme for the critically endangered western lowland gorilla The first baby gorilla to be ... them to be part of a new group with a silverback male named ...
The first baby gorilla to be born at Blackpool Zoo has arrived in India to start a major new adventure with her half-sister.