Actor Ram Kapoor nostalgically recalled his Kasamh Se shoot in Dubai with the then 17-year-old Prachi Desai. He revealed in an interview that he also served as her legal guardian during the shoot in ...
Ram Kapoor discusses his experience working with a 17-year-old Prachi Desai on Kasamh Se, acknowledging the large age gap but trusting the show's casting. He highlights the demands of being an actor ...
Big Boss 18 just recently came to an end and after many months of intense competition as well as engaging on-screen action, ...
Talking about his weight loss journey, Ram Kapoor said, "I figured that there are two kinds of people in this world, one who cares about their fitness and health, and people who don’t." ...
Ekta Kapoor has shared a post about ‘unprofessional actors’ after Ram Kapoor held her responsible for a controversial scene in Bade Achhe Lagte Hain.
Ram Kapoor discusses his experience working with a 17-year-old Prachi Desai on Kasamh Se, acknowledging the large age gap but trusting the show's casting. He highlights the demands of being an ...