The piece called ‘Casa Blanca’ will be included in the sale of the roughly 10,000-square-foot house, as well as most of its ...
A Pokemon fan pays tribute to the Rock Snake Pokemon Onix by carving it out of wood, and incorporates fan feedback to make it ...
By using their skills in wood carving, one talented Pokemon fan creates real-life versions of the Gen 1 creatures Bulbasaur and Grimer.
She started with handmade soft sculptures of Santas or angels ... Akner was a member of the Chips and Chisel wood carving club in north Pittsburgh before it disbanded during the pandemic.
The solo show, which assembles wooden animal carvings by the popular sculptor, is hosted by the city government and sponsored by The Asahi Shimbun's Okayama General Bureau and other organizations.
There’s a line in the poem “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer that reads, “Only God can make a tree.” But there’s an artist who is ...
Instructor Mike Austad, of rural Pine River, has been carving spoons for about 10 years, along with a variety of other wood ...