The verb 'to be' in Spanish. In Spanish, there are two verbs for ‘to be’: ser and estar and you use them for different things.
In this exercise, you'll see input verbs and model verbs. If you choose ring as your model verb, and then bring as your input verb, bring will conjugate the way that ring normally does. (You will ...
In English, our sentences usually operate using a similar pattern: subject, verb, then object. The nice part about this type of structure is that it lets your reader easily know who is doing the ...
Express one idea per sentence. Use your current topic — that is, what you are writing about — as the grammatical subject of your sentence (see Verbs: Choosing between active and passive voice).
We can use singular or plural verbs with many collective nouns, Pamela, and government is one of these. Singular and plural forms are often mixed as are the pronouns that refer back to the nouns in ...