Calliope often holds a scroll and Clio a wax tablet¹. They are the iconographic prototype of women with writing materials and a role model that Roman women sometimes refer to for their ...
Later Roman authors provide more detail. Martial, a Roman poet writing in the first century A.D., for instance, describes a cinaedus’ dysfunctional penis as like a “soggy leather strap” in ...
Snack food and drink were an essential part of these gatherings, with Roman philosopher Seneca writing of the noisy "cake sellers, the sausage man and confectioner" who each hawked food to hungry ...
And what they were learning to read and write was, of course, Latin. This is a wax tablet and it's what school children in Roman Britain would have used when they were learning to read and write.
he began writing history. His first books covered areas of particular interest – the life of his father-in-law, Agricola; a discussion of oratory and a description of Germania, the Roman ...