In Bourbon County, the battle between tenants and landlords at a mobile home park continues, as recent court developments ...
One-fifth of 165 combined low-income units in Portland’s Cully Neighborhood have been served eviction notices in the last 10 ...
Lloyd works with Kirk Cullimore at Titan Legal – which advertises itself as “Utah’s premier source for Complete Landlord ...
La Marque man, William Rudd, faces charges for shooting at a police officer and landlord during eviction notice service.
According to La Marque police, the suspect fired at his landlord and a Galveston County sergeant who attempted to serve the ...
Lawmakers are currently debating a bill that would empower property owners to evict squatters with just a 24-hour notice.
The 28-year-old suspect allegedly fired five shots at the sergeant and the landlord on Monday afternoon. He was taken into ...
"The Good Cause Eviction Law codified as Article 6-A of the New York Real Property Law, was enacted on April 20, 2024, to ...
A local tenants rights group is protesting pre-eviction notices at a south Minneapolis apartment complex owned by a Utah ...
The proposal is part of a push by Republican legislators aimed at helping property owners deal with squatters.