Sometimes it is desirable to make NMR measurements at different magnetic field strengths, for example, for spectral assignments (see below) or dynamics studies as the relaxation (see below) depends on ...
I was introduced to the world of NMR spectroscopy as an undergrad and did an Honour's project studying relaxation processes in metal phosphine complexes. I continued on at Dalhousie in the lab of ...
NMR is used in chemistry and related fields ... the frequency shift effect of nonuniform magnetic field and boundary relaxation was previously overlooked. The authors study this frequency shift ...
relaxation, homo-and hetero-nuclear 2-D templates. This includes T 1, T 2, COSY, Nutation, DEPT, HETCOR, HSQC, signal suppression, and decoupling. The Nanalysis 60PRO benchtop NMR is a multi-purpose ...